"The Measure of Ministry Is Change in Lives, The Only Prescription for Change is God's Spirit Anointed Word."

We are a
CALLED, CHOSEN AND ANOINTED EVANGELISTIC TEAM committed to carring the gospel message of hope to this world in preached word, and song. We are committed to ministering under the direction of the Spirit in each service in order that God's will can be accomplished.

We believe that our burdon in ministry can be accomplished in each service by the Spirit's empowerment and by personal and ministry discipline in the following areas.
  • Living Holy and Seperated lives apart from Sin.
  • Personal and Ministry Devotion.
    • Prayer and Fasting without ceasing.
    • Regular study of God's Word.
    • Regular attendance and tithing in your home church while not traveling in ministry.
  • Remaining meek and humble in the ministry.
  • Yielding this ministry to God's direction alone.
  • Living, and Ministering in Pentecostal Power.
  • Daily protecting our testimony.
  • Faithfulness to your ministry calling.
  • Maintaining a focus on Our vision.
  • Maintaining ministry harmony and unity.
  • Employeement of the seven attitudes of the spritual life.